[BlueOnyx:09749] Re: php.ini, suPHP, and xdebug

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Mar 7 14:42:16 -05 2012

Hi Matt,

> I'm attempting to install xdebug (http://xdebug.org/) on one of our
> BlueOnyx servers and am having a bit of trouble.
> I've compiled the .so file and have moved it to the following directory
> where it appears that all the other PHP modules live:
> /home/solarspeed/php/lib/php/20090626/
> I then created a custom ini file here:
> 	/etc/php.d/xdebug.ini

No, if you're using the Solarspeed PHP, then the PHP config files from 
/home/solarspeed/php/etc/php.d/ are used. Move your config file to that 
directory, please. Then it will work.

You can see the paths and settings when you create a blank PHP page with just 
this in it:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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