[BlueOnyx:09873] Re: Vacation message displays Subject: ERROR

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Mar 22 08:00:43 -05 2012

Hi Gustavo,

> Any idea Michael? Should i just add the necessary headers to the 
> vacation_msg files for now as a fix?

Actually I've been working on fixing the vacation message stuff most of the 
week and I hope to have a set of updates ready for release over the weekend:


During my recent tests the vacations messages I did realize that the vacation 
message subject depends on the language settings of the user with the vacation 

For example: If the user with the active vacation message has set the language 
for his account set to German, then the actual auto-reply message will have a 
German subject. When I set it to Japanese, the Subject dissapeared and that 
may also be the case for other languages. Likewise, the vacation message 
mailer sends emails in ISO-8859-1 format, whose character set will not be 
sufficient for certain languages. That may also explain the vanishing subject 
as it currently is.

I'll look into it further and will make sure that it'll get fixed when I 
release the updates that I'm currently working on.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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