[BlueOnyx:09875] Re: Vacation message displays Subject: ERROR
Gustavo Silva
pseudo at zbronx.com
Thu Mar 22 08:59:32 -05 2012
On 12/03/22 13:00, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi Gustavo,
>> Any idea Michael? Should i just add the necessary headers to the
>> vacation_msg files for now as a fix?
> Actually I've been working on fixing the vacation message stuff most of the
> week and I hope to have a set of updates ready for release over the weekend:
> http://www.blueonyx.it/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=122&cntnt01origid=62&cntnt01pagelimit=100000&cntnt01returnid=62
> During my recent tests the vacations messages I did realize that the vacation
> message subject depends on the language settings of the user with the vacation
> message.
> For example: If the user with the active vacation message has set the language
> for his account set to German, then the actual auto-reply message will have a
> German subject. When I set it to Japanese, the Subject dissapeared and that
> may also be the case for other languages. Likewise, the vacation message
> mailer sends emails in ISO-8859-1 format, whose character set will not be
> sufficient for certain languages. That may also explain the vanishing subject
> as it currently is.
> I'll look into it further and will make sure that it'll get fixed when I
> release the updates that I'm currently working on.
Thanks for you hard work Michael.
Should have payed more attention to your development news.
Sorry for being annoying :o)
Looking forward to that release!
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