[BlueOnyx:12753] Re: Uncool email

Ralf Quint Smoothwall at gmx.net
Tue Apr 2 22:29:43 -05 2013

At 03:47 PM 4/2/2013, shouldbe q931 wrote:
> >
>What's wrong with reading mail is a web browser? it avoids problems
>with POP3 clients downloading messages more than once...
Don't ever have this problem myself, I would know how to set up a 
POP3 client, as I do use one for all the mailing lists I am subscribed to.

People using web browsers tend to be more stupidified when it comes 
to use common sense and there is barely any properly working spam 
filter working in web browsers, that's actually the most important reason.
You can also rarely see (without going through hoops) the headers of 
an email and a lot of web based email sites seem to give a rat's a** 
about properly RFC compliant emails. The later seems to be a problem 
in particular for users of Macs and iCrap devices...


PS: Those are all observations of my daily work as an IT consultant... 

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