[BlueOnyx:14084] Re: 5106 PHP update

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Dec 10 19:07:35 -05 2013

Hi George,

>      Fatal error: Call to undefined function ccephp_new() in
>        /usr/sausalito/ui/libPhp/CceClient.php on line 27
> I'm now wondering if there's some config thing that might be tweeked, or
> that needs to be set, or is this more of a real problem.

The Admserv of the BlueOnyx GUI has a PHP module that grants it access
to the CCE system functions needed for the administration of the server.

That module is specifically compiled against the PHP version of your
respective BlueOnyx version (5106R, 5107R or 5108R).

When you replace the onboard PHP with a different version, this module
breaks and the GUI stops working, as it can no longer communicate with CCE.

Hence upgrades of the onboard PHP usually end in a disaster which
renders the GUI inoperable.

For that reason we have special PHP packages in the BlueOnyx, Compass
Networks and Solarspeed shops:


You can purchase a PHP upgrade there which is specifically compiled for
BlueOnyx and doesn't break anything. When you purchase a PHP package
there, you get access to various PHP versions such as PHP-5.2, PHP-5.3,
PHP-5.4 or PHP-5.5. PHP-5.2 is not available for 5107R/5108R, but the
rest of the PHP PKGs are available for all platforms.

It's also possible to buy a 30 day or 365 day maintenance extension,
which will grant you access to all future PHP versions released during
the period that you're eligible for such upgrades.

Now to repair your broken box the best course of action is to uninstall
all RPMs that you installed yourself. Remove the EPEL YUM repository and
then reinstall all RPMs you replaced via YUM.

The logfile /var/log/yum.log will tell you which RPMs that might be.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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