[BlueOnyx:14085] Re: 5106 PHP update

George F. Nemeyer tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Tue Dec 10 19:58:21 -05 2013

On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Michael Stauber wrote:

> You can purchase a PHP upgrade there which is specifically compiled for
> BlueOnyx and doesn't break anything.

Ah!  That all makes sense.  I knew PHP upgrades can play havoc with
software made for older ones.  It was pretty much a shot in the dark when
I tried it.

> Now to repair your broken box the best course of action is to uninstall
> all RPMs that you installed yourself. Remove the EPEL YUM repository and
> then reinstall all RPMs you replaced via YUM.

I'd already reverted to the original php setup before I wrote the posting.
It was pretty easy with the yum replace option.  It took care of all the
various files.  The only thing from EPEL was a couple of lib files so
those were removed, too.

Also, minutes after I sent the original message, I discovered that there
*is* a json module for 5.1.6.  It was just a simple pecl command to grab
and complile it, and a simple manual creation of a one-line
php.d/jason.ini file.  That seems to have fixed the forum issue, so all is

Everything seems quite happy now!


=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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