[BlueOnyx:12220] Re: at new 5106R, yum makes MaiMan

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Sun Feb 17 23:27:06 -05 2013

Hi Michael

I sent you the invalid cmu log  and  error msg.
Then,  is it enough?  Or  is it insufficient?

Eiji Hamano

> Hi Michael
> Yes,  it is Kanji letters.
> BO's  Kanji  letters is EUC,  not UTF-8.
> But sometime the error came with  no Kanji on the list.
> I will sent  the exsample directry.
> Eiji Hamano
>> Hi Eiji Hamano,
>>> I think;   a cmu logic of  encording  for "Remarks value"  of  LISTs
>>> is different  between  Mailman and  Majordomo
>>> See folloing error  on  moniter migrating time.
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> creating mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-aaaaaaa
>>> ERROR: Could not create mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-aaaaaaa
>>> creating mailing list: www.yyy.co.jp-ddddd
>>> creating mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-bbbbbbb_2
>>> ERROR: Could not create mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-bbbbbbb_2
>>> creating mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-cccccc_67
>>> ERROR: Could not create mailing list: www.xxxx.co.jp-cccccc_67
>> Hmm .. I have not seen this error before.
>>> See folloing  the  "description value"  of  execution file
>>> "cmu.xml.9365"
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>      <list id = "www.xxxx.co.jp-aaaaaaa">
>>>        <apassword value = "ttttttttt"/>
>>>        <maxlength value = "10485760"/>
>>>        <name value = "aaaaaaa"/>
>>>        <desc_readonly value = "0"/>
>>>        <description value = "utKzsrv+u/WyyrDlzsW4ocakzte7/rDRsPey8Q=="/>
>>>        <replyToList value = "0"/>
>>>        <subPolicy value = "open"/>
>>>        <fqdn value = "www.xxxx.co.jp"/>
>>>        <moderator value = "&admin&"/>
>>>        <postPolicy value = "any"/>
>>>        <remote_recips>
>> Can you let me know what the "real" text of the list description was? I
>> assume it was in Kanji letters?
>> That could be the source of the problem, as CMU would take the encoded
>> string, would try to decode it to UTF-8 and would fail. Phew ... that's
>> a tricky one to fix.
>> Please send me an example description of one of your lists that failed
>> to import and I will see what I can do.
>> -- 
>> With best regards
>> Michael Stauber

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