[BlueOnyx:13274] Re: BlueQuartz suspended user

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jun 27 16:01:04 -05 2013

Hi Larry,

> Have a customer server that we host for them.  Their admin suspended
> an account through the GUI, and it shows suspended (red X in user list).
> Problem is that we cannot un-suspend the account now.  GUI seems
> to work, no errors in adm_error, but account still suspended.
> Have restarted cced, checked codb, even ran the old meta_verify.pl script
> just to see but nothing works to unsuspend this account, and I do not see a 
> suspend/unsuspend option under the shell-tools (cmoduser).
> Any ideas/help...

One of the days while I was working on CMU I noticed that the mechanism
to suspend/unsuspend users was broken in our code. And we had inherited
that part of the code from BlueQuartz. So I guess you're seeing some of
that now.

It could also be that the site is suspended, too. In that case you
cannot unsusped users unless you unsuspend the site first.

If that's not the root cause of the problem, then try the following
command as "root" (replace "username" with the name of the user):

/usr/sbin/usermod -U username

Also run CCEclient:


In it's shell type:

find User name = username

(Again replace "username" with the name of the user)

It will return an object number. Something like this:

104 OBJECT 132

Your Object number will be different. I use Object #132 in my example
below, but you will have to use the number that fits your user.

Next type "get" followed by the object ID you got for that user:

get 132

It will return the contends of that users CODB Object:

102 DATA fullName = "XXXXX"
102 DATA capabilities = "&siteAdmin&siteSSL&"
102 DATA ftpDisabled = "0"
102 DATA capLevels = "&siteAdmin&siteSSL&"
102 DATA CLASSVER = "1.0"
102 DATA crypt_password = "XXXXXX"
102 DATA sortName = ""
102 DATA CLASS = "User"
102 DATA systemAdministrator = "0"
102 DATA emailDisabled = "0"
102 DATA md5_password = "XXXXX"
102 DATA shell = ""
102 DATA volume = "/home"
102 DATA description = ""
102 DATA desc_readonly = "0"
102 DATA uiRights = ""
102 DATA name = "toska"
102 DATA password = ""
102 DATA site = "site3"
102 DATA stylePreference = "BlueOnyx"
102 DATA OID = "132"
102 DATA enabled = "1"
102 DATA ui_enabled = "1"
102 DATA localePreference = "browser"
102 DATA noFileCheck = "0"
201 OK

What we're interested in is the data for this:

102 DATA enabled = "1"

If "enabled" = "1", then the user is not suspended. If it shows "0",
then the user is suspended. In that case type:

set 132 enabled = "1"

Again you'd need to replace the "132" with the Object ID of your user's
CODB object.

Check again with "get <Object ID>" if the change has been written off

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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