[BlueOnyx:13073] Re: How to script...

James james at slor.net
Mon May 20 09:41:24 -05 2013

> Hi James,
> > Hey guys - I'd like to do a tiny bit of automation, and I expect one
> > of you can tell me how.  Here's what I would like to do for an existing
> >
> > -          Create an associated non-administrative user account.
> >
> > -          Create a forwarder to an external email address.
> >
> > Alternatively:
> >
> > -          If the user already exists, simply change existing forwarder
> > to specified address.
> >
> >
> > Seems like it should be pretty simple, but I don't know the ins and
> > outs of what BlueOnyx needs to keep track of where...
> It's not overly complicated, but yes: There is a certain learning curve.
> How I would program this also depends on if this ought to be a web
> application, or a command line tool. If it's from within AdmServ and
> by a GUI page, it needs to be coded in PHP.
> If it's supposed to be a command line tool, then it's better done in Perl.

Thanks Michael - I'll take some time to digest this.  Generally speaking,
I'd like to be able to trigger this from a non-AdmServ webpage, if possible.
On my initial glance of your notes, it seems the complication will be with
the access level required.  Rather than having my site running as su root
(let's pretend I didn't even suggest that), perhaps I'll just have the site
update a database and then have a frequently run cron job running for root
that that will notice pending updates and then make them from a perl script.

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