[BlueOnyx:13074] Re: How to script...

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon May 20 10:01:30 -05 2013

Hi James,

> I'd like to be able to trigger this from a non-AdmServ webpage, if possible.

Then you really have to do the round about. Like you said: Updating
something like a textfile, CSV dump or MySQL database. And let a cronjob
call the actual script that does the "heavy lifting" that requires
"root" access.

The security model of the GUI is pretty well rounded and would interfere
with anything else. And yeah, you wouldn't want to tear holes into that,
as it opens a can of worms.

OTOH: What you're planning to do falls under the "Reseller" functions
that I plan to integrate into the next BlueOnyx that's currently in the

A new "Capability" Group will be added to BlueOnyx which will be aptly
named as "Reseller". A reseller can own a specified number of Vsites and
has administrative control over these selected VSites only. He can use
X-amount of Diskspace, Y number of sites and these sites can (in total)
have Z-number of Users at the most.

A "Reseller" user has no direct shell access to the box, cannot directly
stop, start or modify services. There may even be other limits,
restrictions and/or abilities that can be assigned on an as needed basis.

But he'll have the ability to contact siteAdmins and his clients via
Email through the GUI and likewise the server owner can email the
Resellers which then forwards the mails to their configured forward

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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