[BlueOnyx:13976] Spam Attack Vector

Rodrigo Ordonez Licona rordonez at xnet.com.mx
Sun Nov 3 20:25:39 -05 2013

Hope the people of this List Wll find this information useful,

We had a new spam attack this morning, our sendmail was flooded with emails,
marked with the origin of apache, However, there was no php script related
at the time of the Spam deliveries.

The culprit was a cron job executed from /tmp That inserted several hundreds
email to /var/spool/clientmqueue 

To find it we were able to see a cron job being run by the apache user, with

ps aux | grep apache

after that we searched /var/log/cron for traces of apache usage and we were
pointed to  /tmp/session_xxxx file.

>From that file we got a date and time that we looked on the
/var/log/httpd/access_log file 
and found the culprit an ftp user gave away the password and allowed an
attacker to upload such file.

This is a  5106 Virtual Server .  However I think apache user shouldn't be
able to install cron files.

To prevent the spam attack using cron, we recommend using this setting

Add apache to the file /etc/cron.deny so apache wont be allowed to use cron.
Even if an attacker is able to obtain a valid user from your system


Rodrigo O

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