[BlueOnyx:13697] Re: Load balanced BO's

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Sep 17 08:00:32 -05 2013

Hi Steffan,

> Is there a reasen why /usr/share/pear/
> Is not in the openbasedir directory (suPHP)?
> Have peaple who want to use php smtp
> And the mail.php mime is in that directory.
> I know how to ad dit to the site bus whas wondering why it was excluded.

If you want, you can add it manually. I excluded it, because a lot of
people have the Solarspeed PHP, which has it's own PEAR directory. In
that case: If someone tries to mix PEAR modules from different versions
of PHP, then this usually doesn't end well.

This is (not solely related to just PHP) also a reason why I'm reluctant
to include anything out of the box from /usr/local/, as that might have
the tendency to conflict with third party software.

In both cases you can easily make these changes yourself, as you know
what you have installed (and where) to make the changes that are
appropriate to your system environment.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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