[BlueOnyx:14364] BlueOnyx YUM updates: 5106R/5107R/5108R

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Feb 5 21:02:19 -05 2014

Hi all,

I just pushed the (imaginary) button and released about four months
worth of YUM updates for 5106R, 5107R and 5108R.

Everything from the "Testing" YUM repositories has been moved to the
production YUM repositories. Depending on your type of BlueOnyx that'll
amount to roughly 500 updated and/or new RPMs.

What's new:


- Still the old GUI (am still working on the new one)
- New languages:
	- Dutch
	- Spanish
	- French
	- Italian
	- Portuguese
  The translation for these was done with the Google Translate API, so
  the translations aren't perfect. The French locale has been cleaned
  up a little (still work in progress) by Meaulnes Legler and Antoine
  Hayoz. Many thanks for that!

New Modules:

- base-api: Will now get installed automatically. Allows remote
  provisioning of Vsites via a web based API.
  More info: http://www.blueonyx.it/index.php?page=api

- base-istat: Allows monitoring of the server health via an iPhone or
  iPad application available in the Apple Appstore.

New Features:

- FTP: Better FTPS support. FTP and FTPS can now be separately
  enabled/disabled via "Network Services" / "FTP".

- Web: Apache can now be configured to run on other ports than
  the standard port 80 (HTTP) and port 443 (HTTPS). This allows
  users to put something else in front of Apache (like a Varnish
  cache for example) if they want to.

- AdmServ: No longer runs as user "httpd", but as user "admserv".

- 5107R/5108R only: Dovecot now supports TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
  Additionally Dovecot has been switched to use stronger ciphers.

- HTTPS: Vsites that use HTTPS are enforcing the use of stronger
  ciphers. On 5107R/5108R TLSv1.2 is also possible now. Wherever
  possible "Perfect Forwarding Secrecy" will be used, but for IE
  browsers this is not yet possible as our OpenSSL (thanks to
  idiosyncrasies on behalf of RedHat) is missing the needed
  ECDH ciphers. Additionally "HTTP Strict Transport Security"
  will be enforced on HTTPS transactions. For more info on that
  one please see:

- "Reseller"-support: It is now possible to use the existing
   "Server Administrators" as "reseller" accounts. Each admin
   set up that way can be granted extra permissions such as
   "Virtual Site Management". He can then create as many sites
   and users as you allow him to. Existing Vsites can be moved
   to and from the control of such an admin. Suspension and/or
   deletion of such an administrator will also affect the
   Vsites under his control. The sites will then either be
   suspended or deleted, too.

- Shop Integration: Under "Software Updates" there is a new
  menu entry that points to the BlueOnyx Shop and presents
  the available products sorted by category.

- YUM Updates: A scheduled YUM update will now also try to
  "auto-complete" your BlueOnyx install. For that it runs a
  separate "yum groupinstall blueonyx" after each update run.
  That will make sure that your install is not missing any
  RPMs that we deem essential and which might or might not
  be missing.

- Updated CMU: This new version of CMU already supports 5207R
  and 5208R.


I don't know where to start on that one. It's basically too many to
remember. However, these really stick out and should be mentioned:

- Loss of web server alias on SSL enable/disable: Fixed
- Sporadic loss of MBR record on 5106R with RAID1: Fixed
- Wrong cert concatenation for the Sendmail cert: Fixed

Generally the whole server alias stuff should now be working a lot more
reliably. In the past we had these cases where either the email server
alias(es) or the web server alias(es) would go walkies. They would still
show in the GUI, but were gone in the respective config files. The
problem there was that quite a few handlers run on these transactions
and sometimes they just got into each others way, too.

New Bugs:

Well, the stuff was in the testing YUM repositories since December.
Every reported bug got fixed. But there still might be the odd glitch
here and there that was missed. If you find something, say so and it'll
get fixed ASAP.

Problems during the YUM update:

I had updated all my own VPS's over the last couple of weeks. I also
just updated a few client servers. The updates themselves throw a few
minor complains here and there with some scripts failing during the
post-install. That is of no concern.

After this massive YUM update you might experience that the AdmServ
might have stopped or failed to restart. Simply restart it again manually.

If the YUM update didn't go all the way through, then just do another
"yum update" and it should finish.

However, so far I haven't seen any larger defects with or after a YUM
update of these new updates. But if you need assistance, please post
here or in emergencies use the contact details on www.solarspeed.net:

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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