[BlueOnyx:14660] Re: Frontend Mail Filter

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Sat Feb 15 12:08:44 -05 2014

Hi Michael,

On 14/02/2014 16:56, "Michael Stauber" <mstauber at blueonyx.it> wrote:

>Hi Colin,
>> I just wondered if anybody had come up with some sort of frontend
>>filter solution to reduce the impact on the hosts?
>Depends on the nature of the attack. If it's brute force login attempts
>from botnets, then DFIX2 can help. If it's just SPAM that's hitting
>SMPT, the AV-SPAM or some third party mail filtering service in front
>can help. Greylisting stops a whole bunch of the SPAM from botnets, as
>they usually just try to send and don't queue like a real MTA,
>As for the AV-SPAM: SpamAssassin 3.4 was released a few days ago. It has
>been in development for a long time and is pretty mature. Contains a lot
>of changes and improvements, which also affect the build process and its
>dependencies. I'll have an update of it ready for the AV-SPAM in the
>next few days.

As you know, we already use your excellent AV-SPAM with grey listing
enabled. Also DFIX2 for APF.
This is just sheer volume Š it overwhelms the VPS which then knocks on to
others on the same Aventurin{e} cluster.
I think I need to look at a front-end filter as well.

The new AV_SPAM sounds good - will this upgrade our existing ones?



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