[BlueOnyx:14674] Re: error (0x800CCC80): - WORKAROUND

Dogsbody dan at dogsbody.org
Mon Feb 17 11:14:41 -05 2014

On 17/02/14 14:18, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Sorry, but the cipher list you quote above is not really making much
> sense. I'm even a little tempted to say they're utter nonsense, knowing
> that they're not your ciphers, but some you found on the internet.

No offence taken! :-)  It was a random post I found when googling.  I 
just needed something to get it working for the customer.  I was just 
going to set it back to "ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL" after that :-)

> For Dovecot we're using the crypto ciphers recommended on
> https://bettercrypto.org/

Thank you, I was going to ask what you used as your source(s).  I have 
joined their mailing list to ask about supporting older clients.

> But yes: They are known to give XP users the short end of the stick.

Agreed, even Microsoft seems to actually want rid of XP now. 
Ironically, while Windows XP is supported until 8th April 2014, Outlook 
2007 is supported until 11 April 2017

>  their IT department sent back a lengthy explanation which boiled
> down to one apologetic line: "We still have to allow XP users in."

Which is kinda the pickle we are in now as providers :-/

> So: No, sorry and really no hard feelings. But I won't punch a security
> hole into our ciphers for just two users with ancient email-software.

Fair enough, I do actually agree with you :-) Hopefully these posts to 
the mailing list will help anyone else cause in this trap.

If anyone can point me to the ciphers needed for Outlook 2007 then that 
would be very very appreciated :-)


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