[BlueOnyx:14738] Re: Office365 need MX record priority 0

Lew Berry LCBerry at lcbconsulting.net
Sun Feb 23 20:04:53 -05 2014

And here's where my rant begins with M$, Apple (no place to put a $, but finally got caught), Adobe, and the rest that have decided to dive the world to a subscription model to force VAR's (which I think most of us are in one form or another) out of the market. For years I've supported M$ SBS in one form or another giving small business the advantages of Exchange and other things that M$ does well while not exposing the abortion known as IIS to the web. The first shot across the bow was the SRV record that we still can't do even in the newest versions on BX.  I won't really go into my own adventures running BX on Hyper-V but we'll suffice with what M$ did with irqbalance wiping the network from BX Hyper-V machines did not make my life much fun! Now it looks more DNS challenges to lock us out further. 
Rant Over!
Well maybe not, I'm betting M$ is responsible for the rain at Daytona too just to piss us off!

Lew Berry, MCSE, MCT, CSSA
LCB Consulting Inc.
Systems Engineer
450-106 State Road 13 N, #205
St Johns FL, 32259
LCBerry at LCBConsulting.net
(904) 482-1405
(904) 322-5049 fax
(904) 651-1046 cell

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-----Original Message-----
From: blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Michael Stauber
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:15 PM
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
Subject: [BlueOnyx:14737] Re: Office365 need MX record priority 0

Hi Ernie,

> but the check tool for office 365 now seems to fail with just a 20 
> priority record.

I'll wiggle the option in to set the MX priority as low as "0" in one of the next updates.

But to be honest: This is just more Microsoft bullshit, forcing stuff down our throat nobody needs.

Maybe they should visit an Apple course on internet security and SSL certificate validation. Or directly "goto fail". :-)

If I were Apple, I'd close shop as they've just won the internet award for most stupid software vendor bug ever: +7 years of not validating SSL certificates correctly in "secure" connections. That's outright incredible.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list
Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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