[BlueOnyx:14739] Re: Office365 need MX record priority 0

Ernie ernie at info.eis.net.au
Sun Feb 23 21:28:39 -05 2014

Hi Micheal,
I absolutely agree! Office 365 DNS setup is BS. Trouble is that small
buisiness are flocking to it because they don't need to pay someone to
maintain their Exchange servers if they use the  "clould"

You have to add SRV records too for the SIP stuff.

Wasn't the Apple bug a code merge typto thing where are line got entered
twice in the source? I read something like that on Slashdot.

- Ernie.

> Hi Ernie,
> > but the check tool for office 365 now seems to fail with just a 20
> > priority record.
> I'll wiggle the option in to set the MX priority as low as "0" in one of
> the next updates.
> But to be honest: This is just more Microsoft bullshit, forcing stuff
> down our throat nobody needs.
> Maybe they should visit an Apple course on internet security and SSL
> certificate validation. Or directly "goto fail". :-)
> If I were Apple, I'd close shop as they've just won the internet award
> for most stupid software vendor bug ever: +7 years of not validating SSL
> certificates correctly in "secure" connections. That's outright incredible.
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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