[BlueOnyx:14214] Re: NewLinQ username

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Fri Jan 3 22:58:28 -05 2014

Hi Michael & Greg,

Thank you both for giving this some thought.

On 1/3/2014 7:55 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
>> Exactly.   And while NewLinq is something that those of us who do it
>> fairly often have been able to become comfortable with, it's not exactly
>> like loading up aps on their iphones...  In other words, it's relatively
>> complicated.
> That's an interesting point of view. Actually I constantly struggled
> with both the Apple Appstore and the darn Google Play. My Appstore
> account was set up from Europe and I can't purchase stuff from the US
> unless I switch regions every time. Which is a mess. With both the Apple
> and the Google pendants you only have one set of credentials either and
> if you purchase something on another account, you can't move it. So
> that's not really the user experience we're looking for either. :-)

Yikes.  Maybe I picked the wrong example.  All I know is I have a bunch 
of little nieces and nephews, and then even my in-laws and my mother 
have iPhones.  I wouldn't consider them to be technical people by any 
stretch, but they all seem to load their little devices up with all 
sorts of time-wasting aps without any issues.   My wife & dad carry 
Android devices that seem fairly easy to deal with.  I have an Android I 
use as a spare device.   I'm one of the few oddballs happily carrying 
around a Blackberry Z10, and say what you will, it "just works".

Anyhow, the point I was trying to get across is that, speaking for 
myself here, but I'm hoping it's helpful for others, if the BlueOnyx PKG 
/ app management could be made a bit more streamlined, that would be 
really nice.

> You made some interesting points, Chris.
> Greg and I just spoke about it and rolled some ideas around in our
> heads. We'll work something out that allows a license transfer in an
> easy fashion, so that you can actually purchase packages and then
> install them on the clients box without knowing the clients NewLinQ
> credentials, or you needing to hand them your credentials.

That sounds intriguing.   Greg was kind enough to give me a glimpse into 
the world that is the BlueOnyx Shop backend when we got together in 
person a few months ago.  I was immediately impressed by the level of 
thought that went into it.  For the most part, I think it does very 
well.   When this thread came up I debated even mentioning anything, but 
thought I might be doing a disservice to the community if I didn't at 
least offer an opinion.

Greg, the "BlueOnyx / NewlinQ Certified Installer" idea does sound neat. 
   I wonder, will there be a neat logo we can use to advertise our 
certification?  ;)

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
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