[BlueOnyx:14846] Re: cannot update PHP with Newlinq at Proxmox

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Tue Mar 4 22:59:53 -05 2014

Dear wcstaff at webcoast.com  

You're speaking only to me. 
Why you do not speak to the person in charge of  the other? 

I  just want ;

  to hear the reason of  "the machine is broken". 
     (  Greg had described it on Teamviewer, as I can not read. 
        And it's gone now.  I will check it myself.   )

  to hear why they would change the statement of 
           "Proxmox and Newlinq" of one year ago.

Then,  I  WILL  forget  unfair remark to me.

Eiji Hamano

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