[BlueOnyx:14997] Re: ERROR createTar: Input/output error

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Mon Mar 24 15:34:18 -05 2014

On 3/24/2014 3:04 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi Chris,
>> So what I am guessing at this point is that it's not a problem of CMU
>> writing the files, but reading the site/user files.   Obviously, that's
>> troubling.   Short of restoring the CMU files onto a fresh system, is
>> there any way to know if the integrity is any good?
> Yeah, there is a fast and easy check: Fire up "mc" and traverse to the
> directory where your CMU-export is. Place the cursor on one tarball and
> press return. That will unpack the tarball to a temporary directory and
> inside MC you'll be able to navigate into the tarball as if it were a
> regular directory. That allows you to see what's within.
> If you press return on the tarball and get an error message, then the
> archive is corrupted and won't unpack with Tar and GZ as well.

Ah ha.... yeah, I remember mc.   Haven't used it in ages, but that's a 
great tip.   Thanks for that!

> A users-*-private.tar.gz usually contains the stuff that's not visible
> to the web in a users account. Such as the mbox, the /Mail directory and
> things like that. The users-*-public.tar.gz contains the personal /web
> directory of that user.
> For the groups-*-private.tar.gz it's similar. The private tarball
> contains everything *but* the /web directory of a site. And the
> groups-*-public.tar.gz has the /web directory.

OK, a little detective work, then.   I'll get to it.

I just wonder what would cause those errors if the tarball is actually OK.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
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