[BlueOnyx:16452] Re: Sendmail keeps getting started automaticallyeven after disabling the startup script?

Simone Capra capra at erweb.it
Wed Nov 12 02:56:52 -05 2014

Simone Capra - E.R. WEB - s.r.l.

mob. +39 335 5257182
mail: capra at erweb.it

P.zza Risorgimento, 12 - 13100 - Vercelli
tel. +39 0161 210090

L.go Richini, 6 - 20122 - Milano
tel. +39 02 58215611


Il giorno 12/nov/2014, alle ore 07:41, Jim Scott <jscott at infoconex.com> ha scritto:

>> Michael, can I modify active monitor so that it starts MailScanner instead
>> when it detects that sendmail is not running?
> I ended up doing the following
> mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.bak
> cp /etc/rc.d./init.d/MailScanner /etc/rc.d.init.d/sendmail
> Then I had to edit the contents of sendmail startup script copied from 
> MailScanner to kill all existing sendmail processes before attempting to 
> start sending/MailScanner as the BlueOnyx system would automatically launch 
> the sendmail process on reboot prior to the startup script being executed. 
> Now once the startup script runs it kills the process started by the reboot 
> and then starts MailScanner and sendmail processes.
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