[BlueOnyx:16472] Re: Kernal Panic Not Syncing

tom wcstaff at webcoast.com
Mon Nov 17 13:29:39 -05 2014

Richard Morgan :: Morgan Web <richard at ...> writes:

> Hi Tom, sounds like you've had a fun day.
> If the disks you install and sync with are bigger that the original then I
> believe they will only use the capacity of the original disk. So, faced 
> a similar situation (and too tight to waste a bit of disk space) I asked 
> question a few years back:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.devices.blueonyx.user/6206
> I did fiddle with it a quite a bit, but I didn't like the solution for use
> on a production server so stopped and favoured a complete rebuild.  I 
> remember if I actually had success or not as I did my testing on a bit of
> old hardware at home.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> Regards, Richard
Thanks for the input. I decided to go from scratch and not worry about it. 
Migration was a pain, but it all worked out in the end after about 8 hours:)

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