[BlueOnyx:16566] /var/cache/yum - 306M of files

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Tue Nov 25 23:21:56 -05 2014

5108 R

/var/cache/yum has  306M of files in it

Should all of these files be here?


My 5207 R only has 76 of files in /var/cache/yum

I ran "yum clean all" on the 5108 R but it didn't clean anything from here.



[root at cabin2 cache]# du -hs *
4.0K    admserv
16K     cups
8.0K    dovecot
224K    fontconfig
4.0K    foomatic
328K    hald
40K     ldconfig
4.0K    logwatch
2.5M    man
4.0K    mod_proxy
4.0K    mod_ssl
4.0K    php-pear
168K    tomcat6
306M    yum

[root at cabin2 x86_64]# du -hs *
68M     6.2
74M     6.3
78M     6.4
84M     6.5
2.4M    6.6

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