[BlueOnyx:17492] php.ini problems with subdomains

Ernie ernie at info.eis.net.au
Thu Apr 30 22:57:20 -05 2015

When suPHP is selected on a 5107R vsite with subdomains, it ignores the
vsite php.ini file and uses the /etc/php.ini for the subdomains which causes
some problems.  To make things like Worpress work in a subdomain, 
you have to add the full vsite path to the /etc/php.ini
open_basedir setting using Security -> PHP Settings in the GUI however when
you refresh the screen it's  your addition is gone!

So if you hit save again you trash your settings change you made, but more
so if someone else comes along as admin they can't see the open_basedir
change you made and will trash the setting breaking things like Wordpress in
the subdomain. Also the Allow URL include doesn't seem to stick, allways
falls back to Off.

Is there anyway to make a subdomain use the vsite php.ini rather than the
/etc/php.ini ? Or can we get the Server wide PHP Settings fixed in the GUI to
 remember/display the changes properly?

- Ernie.

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