[BlueOnyx:17831] Re: Security Tab

Tigerwolf tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Wed Jun 17 21:42:24 -05 2015

On Wed, 17 Jun 2015, Gregg K wrote:

> I noticed recently that under the security tab, Failed Logins, it does not
> show any IP addresses, even though I know there should be IP addresses, and
> or users.  The function seems to work, because if I feel someone is blocked,
> and I use reset all blocks, and purge events, they suddenly become
> unblocked! :) So I just assume that there is some kind of issue with it
> showing the actual IP addresses, or users.
> It's not a huge deal, I just though I would see if anyone else has noticed
> it.

I've not noted the specific issue you're describing, but I have noticed 
that when you open the security tab, it's the default choice and often 
takes forever to display anything, even if there are few to no entiries. 
Sometimes if you select another Security tab, then go back, it will 
display fairly quickly.  After that, any return seems to display quickly 
as well.

Again, not a big deal, but curious about why it would hang for so long the 
first time.

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