[BlueOnyx:17293] SPF Creator

Michael Aronoff maronoff at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 18:59:25 -05 2015

I must have been sick the week this was announced but I just noticed the SPF
creator built in to the new GUI. It is so cool!


Thanks Michael!!!


I do have one small question about 2 of the fields.


There are two field marked as follows:


1.       Add any other server hostname that may deliver or relay mail for
this domain:

2.       Any domains that may deliver or relay mail for this domain:


If my client has xyz.com but the server name is bigbutt.ciic.com (not real)

All their outgoing mail comes from bigbutt.ciic.com should that go into the
first or second field?


Next do people who use SPF record recommend Fail or SoftFail? My clients
have been getting a ton bounces from forged emails out of Russia so I would
like to simply use Fail but am worried about the consequences.



M Aronoff Out


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