[BlueOnyx:18382] Hosts changing to localhost.localdomain

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Thu Sep 24 03:20:11 -05 2015

We keep getting problems with clients saying email from their websites is bouncing and when I check I find the /etc/hosts file has changed on the server and mail is being sent from apache at localhost.localdomain:

# Auto-generated file.  Keep your customizations at the bottom of this file.
#END of auto-generated code.  Customize beneath this line.
### Begin - Nuonce hosts Fix
###  End  - Nuonce hosts Fix localhost.localdomain localhost server6-venet0 server6.mainline.co.uk server6-venet0.mainline.co.uk
# Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment. server6.mainline.co.uk server6-venet0:0 server6-venet0:0.mainline.co.uk  server6
::1 localhost

I manually edit the hosts file and remove the offending item and then a few weeks later it happens again.
Where is the template held so I can make a permanent change?

This is happening on a number of VPS - not sure whether this is Aventurin{e} or BXmaking the change.

All are VPS on Aventurin{e} clusters - in the above case it is an old 5106R.

Many thanks


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