[BlueOnyx:19412] Re: Cannot install SSL Certificate :(

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Thu Mar 31 03:02:00 -05 2016

Hi Michael,

>I'm not sure what you want to do there. Usually the GUI works on both
>HTTP and HTTPs. However, through the GUI you can configure that you only
>want to allow HTTPS.

I am not getting a GUI login at all - so I suspect that the SSL is broken because that is the only thing I have touched.

>If the cert is broken and you have that enabled, then you may have a
>Here is how to fix that:
>Fire up cceclient as "root":
>[root at 5209r ~]# /usr/sausalito/bin/cceclient
>100 CSCP/0.99
>200 READY
>Find out the Object ID of the "System" object by running "find System":
>find System
>104 OBJECT 1
>201 OK
>Once you have the OID of the "System" Object, run "get <OID>" to look at it:
>get 1
>102 DATA productBuild = "5209R"
>102 DATA productIdentity = "20151218"
>102 DATA GUIaccessType = "HTTPS"
>201 OK
>What you're looking for there is the key "GUIaccessType". 

No GUIaccessType key:

102 DATA productBuild = "5106R"
102 DATA productIdentity = "20140205"
102 DATA CLASSVER = "1.2"
102 DATA isRegistered = "0"
102 DATA CLASS = "System"
102 DATA gateway = ""
102 DATA serialNumber = "0A81007867"
102 DATA domainname = "mainline.co.uk"
102 DATA productName = "BlueOnyx 5106R Series"
102 DATA productBuildString = "build 20140205 for a 5106R in en_US"
102 DATA isLicenseAccepted = "1"
102 DATA OID = "15"
102 DATA productLanguage = "en_US"
102 DATA productSerialNumber = ""
102 DATA console = "1"
102 DATA productVendor = ""
102 DATA dns = "&"
102 DATA hostname = "server4"
102 DATA locales = "&en_US&da_DK&de_DE&es_ES&fr_FR&it_IT&ja_JP&nl_NL&pt_PT&"
201 OK

>You need to
>reset it to "BOTH". To do so, type this into cceclient:
>set <OID> . GUIaccessType = "BOTH"
>In our example with the "System" Object having OID "1" we would type this:
>set 1 . GUIaccessType = "BOTH"
>Once that's done CCEd will automatically reconfigure AdmServ and GUI to
>allow access to both HTTP and HTTPS access of the GUI.



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