[BlueOnyx:21513] Re: Keep getting same email, mysqld BUSY

Lewis Gardner lewisg at iglou.com
Tue Nov 7 00:09:26 -05 2017

Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi Lewis.
>> 5208R
>> I keep getting the same emails over and over. About every 10-20 minutes.
>> I doesn't seem to be every email and I can't figure out why. This is
>> happening for at least two sites on the server. I checked with another
>> user and they claim it isn't happening to them.
> I'm wondering what's sending these emails. If it's part of the GUI or
> some application.
> Who's the sender of these emails? Is this an Active Monitor email and if
> so, what's the exact content of that email?

Greetings Michael,

One is a test message I sent from my ISP email account. Another came 
from a exchange email user. Some are status reports from SME servers 
that I use a windows domain controllers. Pretty standard stuff, text 
exclusively and not long messages.

A hint may have come since my last message in an email from my ISP's 
mail server;

> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
> recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
>   gardner at xxxxx.com
>     SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
>     host csiky.com [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]: 451 4.3.2 Please try again later:
>     retry timeout exceeded

Is it possible the 5208R isn't confirming to senders that it has 
successfully received an email and what I'm getting is retry attempts by 
the sender's server?

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