[BlueOnyx:21406] cmuImport Error

Aaron Greenspan aarong at thinkcomputer.com
Thu Sep 21 20:24:56 -05 2017


When I run...

/usr/sbin/cmuImport -a -s -d /home/kermit/kermit.thinkcomputer.com/

...I’m receiving the following errors, found in /home/cmu/cmu.log:

INFO: /usr/sbin/cmuImport called
INFO: /usr/sbin/cmuImport started on Thu Sep 21 21:20:55 2017
INFO: /usr/sbin/cmuImport running version: 2.94
INFO: Session ID is 14987
INFO: Modified files will be renamed filename.14987
INFO: /usr/sbin/cmuImport running in directory: /home/kermit/kermit.thinkcomputer.com/
INFO: Adjustment : Platform = 5108R build = 5209R
INFO: AdjustCommand = /usr/cmu/scripts/5207Radjust.pl
INFO: AdjustCommand = /usr/cmu/scripts/5208Radjust.pl
INFO: AdjustCommand = /usr/cmu/scripts/5209Radjust.pl
Scanout: INFO: We exported 0 vsites, 0 users, 0 lists
ScanIn: Calling /usr/cmu/scripts/5209Rscanin.pl -f /home/kermit/kermit.thinkcomputer.com//cmu.xml.14987
ScanIn: INFO: Creating virtual site: www.thinkcomputer.com
ScanIn: Error2: = {};
ScanIn: Error2: = '305 WARN [[base-disk.couldNotSetQuota,name=site1]]
ScanIn: ';
ScanIn: INFO: ERROR: Vsite www.thinkcomputer.com was not created properly.
ScanIn: INFO: Creating virtual site: www.facecash.com
ScanIn: ERROR Dumping debug to /home/cmu/cmu.log at /usr/cmu/perl/CmuCfg.pm line 169, <GEN0> line 57.
ScanIn: WARN No info in Debug
ScanIn: ERROR Exiting...
INFO: /usr/sbin/cmuImport ended at Thu Sep 21 21:21:09 2017
INFO: cmuImport complete

The first error appears to be null "{}" and the second suggests that there’s a problem with quotas, but I’m not sure how to fix that. It’s a fresh install of BlueOnyx 5209R, and everything appears to be normal.

Any help would be appreciated.



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