[BlueOnyx:22203] Re: Backup and restore between different BlueOnyx versions

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Thu Jul 5 15:14:44 -05 2018

Hi John,

On 7/4/2018 6:59 AM, John Kelly wrote:
> Is it possible to do backup and restore from a 5209R box to a 5208R ?

As Greg has mentioned, interchangeability of backups between versions is 
intended but not guaranteed.   We still have a couple 5208R boxes 
running and we actually did have a failure when moving a site once.  I 
do not recall the details, but as it was an oversight to begin with we 
abandoned the attempt.

> Part of the dilemma is that the server location for the 5208R box is 
> about 300 kilometres from here once I get it over there, so looking at 
> doing a wee hours shutdown on a weekend to do the backup/restore..     
> Just don’t want to drive 600+ kms if it isn’t going to work.

I'll invite you to hit me up off-list.  You may want to consider some 
alternatives that could save you time, frustration and money.  Your old 
boxes are built like tanks, but in our considerable experience they tend 
to run and run until one day they just don't.  Maybe we can save you 4 
or 5 hours in the car.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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