[BlueOnyx:21876] RewriteRule ^/login/?$

Jochen Demmer jdemmer at relaix.net
Fri Mar 23 05:11:30 -05 2018


a customer of ours wants to use a such a URL with his website:


He has setup a rewrite rule that redirects to a specific URL within his
Unfortunately it doesn't work. The browser redirects the client always
to the login page of blue onyx, i.e.


I fear this is because of this directive within
RewriteRule ^/login/?$                  http://%1:444/login [L,R]

Does that mean that any customer on a blue onyx system won't ever be
able to use the directory /login/ on their systems?

Thank you

Jochen Demmer
System- und Netzwerkspezialist

RelAix Networks GmbH
Kackertstraße 10
52072 Aachen

Tel.:      0241 / 990001-206
Fax:       0241 / 990001-149
E-Mail:    jdemmer at relaix.net
Internet:  http://www.relaix.net/

Geschäftsführer: Thomas Neugebauer
Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 15108

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