[BlueOnyx:22501] Re: RHEL 8 Beta is out - BlueOnyx 5210R

Ernie ernie at info.eis.net.au
Fri Nov 16 00:13:23 -05 2018

Hi Michael,
I grabbed the ISO too, it seems to have two php versions on it, 7.1 and 7.2
but the relase notes say 7.2 is what's distrubted with it


- Ernie.

> Hi Ernie,
> > for for those that are keen, Redhat just announced the RHEL 8 Beta
> > 
> > https://developers.redhat.com/rhel8/
> Thank you. I've grabbed the ISO of it and will start some preliminary
> development work for 5210R on it within the close future.
> > Not sure what impact it will have on BX or how long before CentOS has it.
> I have no solid idea when the beta ends and when we can expect to see
> the first releases of RHEL 8 and CentOS 8 respectively. But I guess it
> might be a couple of months. Like sometime in Q1 of 2019. We'll see.
> I poked a bit around in the RHEL-8-beta ISO to get an idea what we can
> expect. Here are some ballpark figures:
> - Kernel 4.18
> - Perl 5.26.4
> - PHP 7.1.20 and PHP-7.2.11 (the ISO has both)
> - Apache 2.8.0
> - Nginx 1.14.0
> - Sendmail 8.15.2
> - Dovecot 2.2.36
> - MariaDB 10.3.10
> - OpenSSL 1.1.1
> - OpenSSH 7.8p1
> - Systemd 239-8
> - Python 2.7.15 plus Python 3.6.6
> - RPM 4.14.2
> - Glibc 2.28
> - Glib2 2.56
> - Java 1.8.0
> As for the impact on BlueOnyx? I had already set the model number 5210R
> aside for it and had done some preliminary checks of what would be
> needed to port the GUI to any newer version of PHP.
> Right now the core of the GUI (base-alpine) uses CodeIgniter v2.2.6
> (which is EOL) and for 5210R we certainly want to use a newer version.
> Such as the stable v3.1.9, which also supports PHP-7.1 and PHP-7.2 out
> of the box.
> But the fun starts right there:
> Every GUI page is a CodeIgniter PHP class. PHP class names must start
> with a capitalized character. Example: "TestClass" is fine, but
> "testClass" is not. We already honored this religiously throughout the GUI.
> Since CodeIgniter 3.0.0 the file names for these classes also *must*
> have their leading character capitalized. Which we have not. A handfull
> of Classes under /usr/sausalito/ui/ci/application/libraries/ and *all*
> classes under /usr/sausalito/ui/ci/application/modules/ don't follow the
> new mandatory naming conventions.
> That means all of these must be renamed (and the CI routing tables must
> be updated) and it must be checked that filename and classname are
> identical both in name and capitalization.
> That's around 250-300 PHP classes that need fixing right off the bat.
> Plus there will be several things that changed behavior between PHP
> versions and we're moving right from PHP-5.4.16 to PHP-7.2.11. That's
> the biggest PHP version gap BlueOnyx *ever* had to bridge: We're moving
> five *major* versions of PHP ahead in one go.
> It's not *that* bad (I hope), as a lot of the heavy lifting of the GUI
> is done by CodeIgniter itself or had been externalized into shared
> libraries and PHP Classes that are re-used throughout the GUI. Still: I
> expect to run into some unexpected glitches that need a fixing.
> The next couple of challenges are adjusting the GUI to the updated
> services. Like from Apache 2.4 to 2.8. Nginx is no surprise and we've
> already go the same version on 5209R that RedHat brings in RHEL8.
> Sendmail? Trivial changes. Dovecot? Good to go w/o changes. FTP? We
> bring our own, so no surprises either. Making these adjustments should
> be fairly quick, with the new Apache being the only real complication.
> We'll drop Apache Tomcat in 5210R, though. It already doesn't work right
> in 5209R and dragging that dead carcass over to 5210R makes no sense.
> I think that by the end of this year or more probably in January 2019
> I'll have a draft of 5210R ready that can quickly be adjusted to
> whatever slightly modified realities we'll find once CentOS 8 is
> officially out.
> I'll get it covered.
> FWIW: By that time I also hope to have "EasyMigrate" ready, so moving
> from 5207R/5208R/5209R to 5210R should be easier and more comfortable
> than doing it with CMU.
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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