[BlueOnyx:27415] Re: Internal Server Error After EasyMigrate

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Jan 15 22:15:15 -05 2025

Hi Sam,

> I enabled them all, and there are some progress.

Very well.

> Error message on my chrome become bellow,
> Internal Server Error
> Mismatch between target UID (48) and UID (65534) of file 
> "/home/.sites/site26/wwwroot/web/index.php"
> suPHP 0.7.2
> error_log showed nothing but suphp_log showed almost same as above.
The PHP implementations suPHP and FPM/FastCGI *require* that the files 
under /web are owned by a siteAdmin and this siteAdmin is also 
configured in the PHP configuration of the Vsite.

PHP will then execute the scripts with the UID/GID of this siteAdmin and 
no other user may execute them.

To fix this issue, use the GUI and go to "Site Management", edit the 
Vsite in question and under "Services" / "Web" of that Vsite you find 
the menu entry "Web Ownership".

It has a single pulldown called "SiteAdmin that owns /web:"

It should have entries for "nobody", "apache" and all users who have 
"Site Administrator" privileges on that Vsite.

Select the name of one of the siteAdmin users from that list and hit 
save. This user *must* have enough free disk space to be able to own the 
/web folder of the Vsite. Saving the changes on this page will chown 
/web of the Vsite to the UID/GID of the siteAdmin and PHP and Apache 
will be configured to execute PHP scripts of this Vsite as this user.

If the pulldown "SiteAdmin that owns /web:" only shows "nobody" and 
"apache", then you may have to create a user for the Vsite with the 
privilege "Site Administrator" first. Or you have to give that privilege 
to an existing user of that Vsite.

In older versions of BlueOnyx it was possible to run PHP without having 
this configured. But this is no longer the case and the new method adds 
another layer of security and comfort.

This is documented here, although the screenshots for the GUI pages are 
still using the older "Adminica" GUI:


With best regards

Michael Stauber

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