[BlueOnyx:00251] Nuonce gone

Stephanie Sullivan ses at aviaweb.com
Fri Jan 16 15:00:17 -05 2009

I would like to speak up in support of Brian and Nuonce. He has been a great
resource to the BQ community and contributed a great deal to BQ and related
projects. He has always shared his knowledge freely and I found him to be
very responsive and open to constructive suggestions.

His business provided packages for a pittance. His prices were a bargain and
while no one wants to pay more than they have to I would not have complained
(much) if his prices were raised significantly. Though some would complain
at modest prices for his packages, the value they added to the open source
applications they installed was great. His support through his forums and
email were priceless.

We each have our individual circumstances to consider each day. His path
took him away. At least for now and I have nothing but positive things to
say for him. If circumstances should change for him I would certainly
welcome him back with open arms. Wherever he goes he will certainly be
valued and valuable.

He has given a lot to the BQ universe. I think we owe him a lot of
appreciation and more. I wish him the best and that our paths may cross
again in the future.


PS, I think some of Brian's software packages may be resurrected. Many of
them can (with some work) be updated manually in the meanwhile.

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