[BlueOnyx:00415] ImageMagick & phpBB3.0.4 install

Paul pcr1066 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 18:21:36 -05 2009

Thanks TO All for the help regarding ImageMagick. This installed fine with
Yum. (Sorry had read this could not be installed via Yum - Just shows you
should ask the people who know!)


Does not show up in Blue Onyx GUI but showed details with the "convert
-version" command, so assume this will work ok. Not had chance to check with
phpBB as yet but when I tried to install phpBB, I noted that it had not
found ImageMagick but I can set this later (Thanks for the information by
the way)


Have begun to install phpBB and first had to edit the mysql configuration
file to change the default database to InnoDB (Seems to be a consensus that
this is the best storage engine due to transaction - Any comments on this
would be helpful) Not to bothered about this as it is easy enough to change


Of course same argument with Drupal - some say InnoDb, others say both
InnoDB and MYISAM but never say which tables!. Could anyone please comment
on their experience with Drupal and the storage engine?


I was aware of the fopen issue regarding phpBB and had changed this to on in
the PHP settings. Unfortunately when checking installation requirements
phpBB still says that fopen is not enabled. It also shows that php is in
Safe Mode when I have also switched this off. Have double checked using both
the GUI and checking php.ini itself, even ensuring that the server had been


Not sure if I should just ignore this and install or if other settings need
to be changed. Any comments would once again be greatly appreciated.


With regards Blue Onyx being new! Well what can be said but thanks and
thanks again! Even better for a community that is willing to help! If I can
help in any way I would gladly do so, keep up the good work!


Yours Paul


Please reply to;


pcr1066 at gmail.com


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