[BlueOnyx:02840] metamail package

JW Simpson john at swajime.com
Sat Nov 7 23:46:13 -05 2009


I'm wanting to use metamail on a BlueOnyx system, and it does not seem
to be in any of the repositories. 
Does anybody know if there is a reason why it's not in the standard
Is anybody else using it?

There is a warning on the system about using non-certified repositories:

        cat /etc/yum.repos.d/0_WARNING.txt 
        Do NOT use RPMForge!
        Do NOT tie your server into third party YUM repositories UNLESS
        they are certified for BlueOnyx.
        Third party YUM repository servers (*especially* RPMforge!)
        replace onboard RPMs with versions
        that conflict with BlueOnyx. That will then break the GUI and
        will cause service outages.
        The damages that this will cause may not be easy to repair.
        If you require specific software that's not present in the
        CentOS5 or BlueOnyx YUM repositories, 
        then consider asking for it on the BlueOnyx mailing list to
        check what other peoples experiences
        with it are.
        The mailing list can be found here:
        Thank you.
        Team BlueOnyx

JW Simpson <john at swajime.com>
SwaJime's Cove℠
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