[BlueOnyx:04282] Re: Compass networks updates

Greg Kuhnert greg.kuhnert at theanchoragesylvania.com
Sat Apr 17 23:13:43 -05 2010

Hi Rob.

On 18/04/2010 1:08 AM, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Having the same problem as last time with it just timing out when trying
> to register email address. I
> rebooted and it worked last time, but not this time, even reboots don't
> help. I found the following in the admserv httpd logs...

That line of code is pretty straight forward. It does a http get to the 
newlinq server using the file_get_contents method in PHP. I've seen your 
registration confirmation come in since you posted this to the forum, so 
I can only assume it was a transient connectivity issue with some 
provider between your server and mine.


|   / \   Greg Kuhnert, gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au               |
|<   o>  Compass Networks - Pointing you in the right direction      |
|   \ /   Come see us for BlueQuartz / BlueOnyx modules&  Support.    |

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