[BlueOnyx:06014] Re: Acting as a Dynamic DNS server

Dogsbody dan at dogsbody.org
Fri Dec 3 14:27:10 -05 2010

> Is there any way on a BlueOnyx server, to host DNS records for someone who
> has a host with a dynamic IP address?

BlueOnyx doesn't do this out the box but there are two hacks that I have 
used which may be good enough.

1) You can write a script to do the whole Dynamic DNS for you.  Put a 
DNS entry into the relevant DNS include file with a very low TTL...
... and write some code that first receives a check in from the customer 
with their IP address and then another script that will update the DNS 
include file and reload named if it changes.

2) Signup with a free dyndns.com address, they have clients that run on 
most home machines or routers that will update the address quickly. 
Then add a CNAME to that address from their domain.

N.B. Be careful with CNAMES, don't CNAME the root of a domain.  But for 
a host like homeoffice.example.com you should be fine.

I hope this helps


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