[BlueOnyx:03854] Re: Spamassassin gone plum crazy! - fixed

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Mar 5 08:02:20 -05 2010

Hi Jeffrey,

> Unfortunately, although the settings save they don't do anything.
> You can change the SpamAssassin settings to stop scanning outgoing mail but
> this has no effect. SpamAssassin seems to be treating outgoing mail as
> incoming, and it tags all the mail as Spam - mostly because the pop3 users
> have DUL or dynamic IPs.

Run this command on your box:

ps axf | grep spamass-milter

It should produce an output like this:

[root at cbx ~]# ps axf|grep spamass-milter
 2045 ?        Ssl    0:00 spamass-milter -p /var/run/spamass.sock -f -x -u 
mailnull -r 10 -i -i -- -U 
/var/run/spamd.sock -s 200000

If you disable the scanning for outgoing emails in the GUI, then each of the 
IPs bound to your eth0 network interface gets added to that parameter with an 
"-i" switch like in the above example, where it added (the "public" IP of that server) and 

Please toggle between "scan outgoing" "yes" and "no" and in between check with 
"ps axf | grep spamass-milter" to see the difference. When you choose to scan 
outgoing emails, it'll remove the -i switches and the network addresses.

The -i switch means "ignore" and will make sure that emails received from 
those IPs won't be processed. That includes emails generated by scripts and 
emails received by SMTP-Auth authenticated senders.

If your users don't use SMTP-Auth, then this could indeed already be the 
culprit and they need to reconfigure their email clients to authenticate with 
their username and password against your mailsender when sending emails.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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