[BlueOnyx:05475] Re: Issue with BO installation on OpenVZ

James james at slor.net
Mon Sep 27 09:46:55 -05 2010

For further reference, it appears that whatever changed this must have
occurred sometime between September 12 and yesterday.  I found the following
snippets of startup output in /var/messages and its archives (actual names
changed to protect the innocent):

Sep 12 05:06:46 vz1 cced(smd)[24395]: client 0:[0:24377]: SET  3 dns =
"&" locales = "&ja&de_DE&en&da_DK&" console = 0 domainname =
"mydomain.com" hostname = server1 productIdentity = 20100301 productBuild =
5106R productLanguage = en productBuildString = "build 20100301 for a 5106R
in en_US"

Sep 12 05:12:56 vz1 cced(smd)[29818]: client 0:[0:29817]: SET  3 dns =
"&" locales = "&ja&de_DE&en&da_DK&" console = 0 domainname =
"mydomain.com" hostname = server1 productIdentity = 20100301 productBuild =
5106R productLanguage = en productBuildString = "build 20100301 for a 5106R
in en_US"

Sep 26 23:55:10 vz1 cced(smd)[12100]: client 0:[0:12099]: SET  3 dns =
"&" locales = "&ja&de_DE&en&da_DK&" console = 0 domainname =
localdomain hostname = localhost productIdentity = 20100301 productBuild =
5106R productLanguage = en productBuildString = "build 20100301 for a 5106R
in en_US"

Sep 27 01:00:08 vz1 cced(smd)[19641]: client 0:[0:19561]: SET  3 dns =
"&" locales = "&ja&de_DE&en&da_DK&" console = 0 domainname =
localdomain hostname = localhost productIdentity = 20100301 productBuild =
5106R productLanguage = en productBuildString = "build 20100301 for a 5106R
in en_US"

On the 12th, the host and domain names were correct, and the domain name was
quoted.  As of the 26th, they are incorrect, and neither is quoted.  Also, I
noted that there are files in /usr/sausalito/codb/objects/3 called .hostname
and .domainname that contain localhost and localdomain respectively.  On a
dedicated server I have, those files are in /usr/sausalito/codb/objects/1
and contain correct host/domain names.  This machine is currently being
yum-updated to see if anything changes.

The /etc/hosts file looks a bit strange to me with multiple lines for the
same IPs, but then again I'm not confident in how it should look for a VPS.
And I'm certainly leery of manually mucking with it, resetting the name
through the VPS manager, or otherwise modifying anything outside of BO.
Here's a gander at the /etc/hosts, assuming is a real IP:

# /etc/hosts
# Auto-generated file.  Keep your customizations at the bottom of this file.        localhost localhost.localdomain               localhost.localdomain localhost-venet0.localdomain
localhost-venet0           localhost.localdomain
localhost-venet0:0.localdomain localhost-venet0:0
#END of auto-generated code.  Customize beneath this line.
### Begin - Nuonce hosts Fix
###  End  - Nuonce hosts Fix localhost.localdomain localhost server1.mydomain.com
# Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment. server1.mydomain.com localhost-venet0:0.localdomain
server1-venet0:0.mydomain.com localhost-venet0:0  server1 server1-venet0:0

Any pointers to an easy fix?  I also just set up a new VPS and saw the very
same issue, so it doesn't appear to be isolated.

thanks again!

> Hey everyone - I'm running into something strange with a tarball
> installation on an OpenVZ VPS.  Things have been running fine for a
> while on this server, but at least of the last reboot something seems
> to be amiss...  Instead of the actual hostname of the server, say
> server1.mydomain.com, the BO interface, sendmail, etc. are now
> reporting it as localhost.localdomain.  Other than yum updates, I
> haven't changed anything configuration-wise since it was reporting
> server1.mydomain.com, and I can't figure out what I need to do to
> correct this.  Logging in via SSH, hostname still reports
> server1.mydomain.com.  localhost.localdomain is obviously bad,
> especially when it comes to email delivery, so I'd most appreciate any
> insight on this!
> thanks
> James

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