[BlueOnyx:07190] Re: BlueOnyx easter egg: Mailman support

Jeff Folk jfolk at qzoneinc.com
Wed Apr 27 11:04:06 -05 2011

On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:36 AM, Michael Stauber wrote:
> That part worked fine for me. Please try to restart Sendmail manually and see 
> if that makes a difference. Also: The list email address starts with a (more 
> or less) random number. So if the list name is "support" (for example), then 
> the list email address is something like "54-support at domain.com".

It seems my sendmail was still linked into majordomo in the mc file:

dnl # removed /etc/mail/aliases.majordomo
define(`ALIAS_FILE',`/etc/mail/aliases, /etc/mail/aliases.majordomo')

The mailman install must have created the first line, but for some reason the second line remains unaltered. There was also no reference in there to mailman aliases. I changed the second line to reference the mailman aliases file:

define(`ALIAS_FILE',`/etc/mail/aliases, /etc/mail/aliases.mailman')

rebuilt the config, performed new aliases, and voila... aliases.mailman.db is built and Mailman is online...

Sorry for the noise.


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