[BlueOnyx:06685] Re: fstab

Dudi Goldenberg dudi at kolcore.com
Sun Mar 13 13:13:46 -05 2011

Hi Michael,

>"fdisk -l" lists which disks are connected and what partitions are on them. That usually gives a good idea which one you may need.
>However, simply using "mount" to mount a partition ony works if the partition(s) in questions aren't part of an LVM. If they're part 
>of an LVM, then it gets a hell of a lot more complicated as outlined at the URL below:

This is exactly what I wrote 2 minutes after that :-) the OP did write that he test mounted with /dev/sdb (as it would be for a CD etc.).

Regarding fdisk –l, the OP also wrote that he installed another drive and that he wishes to move /home over to it, so this does look straight forward.

The reason I suggested fdisk –l is to verify what is the correct partition number to be used in /etc/fstab.



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