[BlueOnyx:06684] Re: fstab

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sun Mar 13 09:57:43 -05 2011

Hi Dudi,

> This still sounds wrong...
> The line in /etc/fstab should read:
> /dev/sdb           /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota        1 2

No, remember that /dev/sdb is just the disk - the whole disk. You need to 
specify which partition you want to mount from that disk. Like /dev/sdb1, 
/dev/sdb2 and so on.

"fdisk -l" lists which disks are connected and what partitions are on them. 
That usually gives a good idea which one you may need.

However, simply using "mount" to mount a partition ony works if the 
partition(s) in questions aren't part of an LVM. If they're part of an LVM, 
then it gets a hell of a lot more complicated as outlined at the URL below:


With best regards

Michael Stauber
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