[BlueOnyx:06840] Re: better majordomo GUI?

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Wed Mar 30 22:01:41 -05 2011

I use phplist for serious mailings now

>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000B_01CBEF2C.87985CE0"
>Content-Language: en-us
>Anyone know of a GUI solution for Majordomo that doesn't suck as bad 
>as the Raq550 and later implementation?
>We actively use Majordomo in-house for distribution lists, and it 
>works well for us. Too bad the changes Sun made to the 550 made it 
>totally unusable for large numbers of lists. Anyone who has tried to 
>use a 550 with a large number of lists probably knows what I mean. 
>When we migrated from our Raq4 to a new 550, we reverted back to the 
>Raq4 for the lists within 48 hours it was so bad and unusable.
>Ideally an interface like the Raq4 would be perfect (specifically 
>the ability to list all lists on a single page(or at least a page 
>selection by letter), and display the members of each list on that 
>page for easy reference). My manager who runs the lists loves that 
>layout to death, and is perfect for her. Too bad it presently means 
>we actually run a Raq4 in production years later. It all works great 
>until somebody decides to send a 2mb attachment to the entire group 
>of 800 users, which literally slows the system down to the point it 
>takes half a day to burn through the entire list of messages.  I'm 
>just waiting for that box to fall over dead, as its well beyond its 
>usable life.
>Anyone have any ideas for existing solutions? I REALLY don't like 
>the idea of continuing to run this old Raq4, and also don't like the 
>price tag quoted by a developer to recreate it for us on our BO 
>platform.  Reinventing the wheel just isn't my idea of a good time.
>Thank you,
>Roy Urick
>IT Department
>Koorsen Fire & Security
>2719 N Arlington Ave
>Indianapolis, IN 46218
>317-225-5027 (IP Phone x2796)
>Blueonyx mailing list
>Blueonyx at blueonyx.it

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