[BlueOnyx:08739] Re: more suphp problems

"Søren S. Straszek" dump_mail at straszek.dk
Wed Oct 5 07:53:15 -05 2011

Hi Michael,


Den 05/10/2011 kl. 02.06 skrev Michael Stauber:

> Hi Søren,
>> you are right the the site with problems is
>> using  "/home/.sites/106/site3/php.ini"
>> instedof  /home/solarspeed/php/etc/php.ini, but switching suphp off and on
>> do not make any different.
>> Any way do this manually ?
> When you disable suPHP, your /home/.sites/106/site3/php.ini will be deleted. 
> When you enable it again, the right php.ini will be copied back in place. If 
> the Solarspeed PHP is installed, it'll use the php.ini of that. If not, it'll 
> use the system php.ini
> Question: Do you have a file named "/etc/thirdparty_php" and what does it 
> contain?
> Because if it is missing or has the wrong info, this could explain the 
> remaining problems.
> In your case this textfile should contain the following information:
> # Location of the third party PHP's php.ini config file:
> /home/solarspeed/php/etc/php.ini

Sorry i misunderstood you, but the problem remains:

i created the etc/thirdparty_php file and it now look like this.

# Location of the third party PHP's php.ini config file:

switching suphp on  - the site is using php 5.1.16 - switching suphp off the site uses php 5.2.17

Any other ideas ?

> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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