[BlueOnyx:10026] Re: 5106R/5107R/5108R YUM updates

Eiji Hamano bluequartz at hypersys.ne.jp
Tue Apr 3 09:40:22 -05 2012

Hi  Michael

> Michael Stauber wrote :
> Try "yum clean all" and "yum update". That should fix it. 

The "yum clean all" worked fine.  Thank you very much. 

And I have tested new 5108R SL6.2 dated 20120401.
That's fine. Without yum, all Japanese characters are displayed. 

But now, I am confusing about LOGIN screen of 5108R SL6.2.

1,  The 5108R SL6.2's LOGIN screen is always English with
    Chrome v.18.0.1025.

2.  And it is always German with IE v.8.0.6.

3.  However it's fine Japanese with IE v.9.0.8 and Safari v.5.1.5.

The 5108R SL6.1's screen is all fine Japanese now. 

The 5107R SL6.2's screen looks same as 5108R SL6.2's.
The 5107R SL6.1's screen is always toggled English and Japanese. 

Eiji Hamano

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