[BlueOnyx:10133] Re: Aventurine ostemplate from existing machine

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Apr 14 11:45:20 -05 2012

Hi Simone,

> does anybody know ho to make an ostemplate, or a vps, from an existing 
> machine?
> I have a bluequartz machine that i want to virtualize.

Hust to be really sure: BlueQuartz or BlueOnyx?

BlueQuartz is based on CentOS-4, which is end of life. So it would be a waste 
of time turning that into a VPS. Instead you would be better off to CMU-
migrate to a BlueOnyx VPS.

Generally speaking:

Yes, I know how to turn a "real" server into an Aventurin{e} VPS and did do 
this many times. BlueOnyx already has smost of the needed OpenVZ provisions 
already built in, which makes it progressively easier than to do that for 

Still: The procedure is a bit complicated and involves quite a few steps to 
make sure that the GUI works perfectly afterwards.

If you want, send me an email offlist with the details of what you need and we 
can talk about it.

Creating an OS-template is another matter. There are several ways of how to do 
that. I also have various tools and procedures for that. Some involve some 
heavy scripting using YUM switches that one usually doesn't use and/or chroot. 
Others simply pack up a stopped VPS after it has been "cleaned" by removing 
certain stuff not wanted in the OS template.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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