[BlueOnyx:09684] Re: How do I properly reboot Blue Onyx? Please help.

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.net
Mon Feb 27 20:54:07 -05 2012

Frank DeChellis wrote:
>  Hi there,
> Sorry for the simple question.  Well, not really because I need to get
> this done.
> I rebooted our blue onyx server from the shell prompt and it came back
> up, for the most part.  After it rebooted mail seems to be back up but
> web services have not started (control panel access) .
> Is there a startup script I am supposed to run after it starts up?
> Thanks for any help you can offer.

To reboot from the shell
   shutdown -r now

If web server is not running
   service httpd restart


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