[BlueOnyx:09685] Re: How do I properly reboot Blue Onyx? Please help.

SB9-PageKeeper Service ml at sb9.com
Mon Feb 27 20:57:30 -05 2012

How do I properly reboot Blue Onyx?  Please help.Hi there,

Sorry for the simple question.  Well, not really because I need to get this done. 

I rebooted our blue onyx server from the shell prompt and it came back up, for the most part.  After it rebooted mail seems to be back up but web services have not started (control panel access) .

Is there a startup script I am supposed to run after it starts up?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Frank DeChellis
President, Internet Access Worldwide
Welland, Ontario, Canada


  /etc/init.d/cced.init restart
  /etc/init.d/admserv restart

  One of them should work.

  David Hahn
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